
Commitment is an act, not a word ~ Jean-Paul Sartre

The most basic human instincts are security, happiness and love. None of those items are possible without some level of commitment. Rather to a job, a spouse or to yourself. The level of commitment needs to be healthy in all aspects of your life.

Your commitment to your job is important to provide you the basic necessities of live. However as with anything there is too much of a good thing. When you become so focused on the end result, the monetary implications and business recognition other areas of your life tend to suffer. A healthy balance is absolutely necessary to ensure a positive outcome for your life.

Your commitment to your family is important as well. You must learn to be present in the moments with your loved ones whether that be friends, children, spouses, extended family or other. Not committing to being present in the moment will most certainly cause you to miss out on something extraordinary. So put the computer away, turn off the tablet, remove the smart watch and hide the phone. Just commit to the moment with your loved ones and you will be amazed at the outcome.

Lastly and in my opinion most importantly is the commitment to yourself. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual commitment will take you further than anything discussed to this point. Again, with moderation. This is not a scenario where what you want is the only thing that matters for that is counterproductive. What I am talking about is learning to commit to yourself and realize that you can not pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your most basic needs as listed above will come back to you ten-fold and will show you the true power of love and happiness when it is coming from within.

Love, Light and Blessings,



“At the end of the day, I’m at peace, because my intentions are good and my heart is pure.”

– Nirnayee Esabela

In this life you will come across a multitude of humans. All will be phenomenal in their own right. Some will be the light that shine through the darkness and quite frankly some will be the cause of your darkness. And those people are not always the ones we get to choose because they are family.

Here is the bottom line. Your personal mental health is very important. And you must pay attention to those lessons that are being taught to you by all of those people. And those lessons are how you allow yourself to be treated. Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin…etc. You must be treated with at the minimum decency. There should be respect as well, but respect is touchy as it is a very personal emotion and in my humble opinion has to be earned. But decency is not an option short any type of physical abuse.

In those moments where you must evaluate those individuals in your life that you are unsure of. You must ask yourself these questions.

  1. Does speaking to them bring me joy or heartache?
  2. Do I always have to edit what I am saying so I don’t upset them?
  3. Do I have to make myself less than who I am or who I am trying to be, just to not create an argument?
  4. Do they provide any value to the relationship?
  5. Are they continually making you feel guilty for trying to establish boundaries?
  6. Are they continually playing the victim?

These are just a few questions that will help you to understand if this relationship is one that will help or hinder your everyday mindset. And as difficult as it may be to understand, just because an individual is family, that does not make them good for you. You sometimes have to realize that you have done everything you can for the relationship and it is time to allow the relationship to change into nothing more than an acquaintance, if even that. Your decisions in your life have to be right for you and only you. The people I spoke about above, the ones who lead you to the light, they would never put you in a situation to lose them. The others, well they make it very easy when you separate the emotion from it.

My advice to anyone who is having difficulty making the decision is this; First, listen to those around you, are they telling you the relationship is toxic? They are probably right. They are on the outside looking in and not emotionally invested, as you are. The second piece of advice that I have is a little more difficult, but just as powerful. Look at your situation and imagine that it is a friend of yours going through it. What advice would you give them? If your advice would be for your friend to remove the family member, then that is your answer.

Those who deserve your light and love will remain in your life. And those who don’t will exit through the door making room for more amazing and wonderful people. Those new people will match your higher vibration and appreciate the wonderous human that you truly are. Look for those people. They are your tribe.

Let it Rain

“The best thing one can do when it is raining is to let it rain.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

What did Henry mean by this? In my humble opinion it means sometimes, just let life be life. We strive for complete and total control over every aspect of our lives that we forget that live is an amazing journey. It is filled with colors, feelings, thoughts… a multitude of impacts on all of our senses that we end up no longer living our own lives, just existing in them.

Sometimes in life, rather than try to control everything, the very best thing to do, is absolutely, unequivocally, nothing at all. Just live.. enjoy… experience…. and see what the next day, the next hour or even the next minute will bring. Be thankful that life still holds those magical surprises for you. That is the magic in letting it rain, think of the world after a rain storm and how magical it is. Clean, fresh, beautiful. That is why we should just let it rain.

Love and blessings,


The biggest fear

I think in life, our biggest fear is loneliness. Some people are very very happy being single, but they replace a spouse with a larger group of “friends”. I put friends in quotations only because I believe the circle would be better described as acquaintances. Most often when you find yourself with a large friend group, the connections are more superficial and are only used to pass the time not being alone.

If you are lucky, and I mean very lucky… you find a small friend group that gets you. Is there for you with no ulterior motives. And you are the same for them. This doesn’t mean that you agree on everything, although you could, but what it does mean is that if you don’t agree. It is still okay and you are still friends.

Having a support group that understands you, believes in you and wants the best for you is worth more than all the money in the world. Having that support system is the most valuable in life, especially in those days where you are feeling down and out and not quite yourself. They are the ones who are there to pick you up, dust you off and tell you it is going to be okay.

If you have this tribe around you, you are truly blessed and you should call, text, email or even send a carrier pigeon to let them know that you appreciate their presence in your life and that you love them. Nothing goes further in life than unsolicited love and adoration for your friends.

Oh, and if you are lucky enough to find all of this in a spouse… Don’t let that person go, keep them forever!

Agree to Disagree

“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” ~ Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

The only way that any of us are ever going to be able to agree on anything is to agree to disagree. I realize how crazy and convoluted that sounds, but it really is true. I used to tell my kids when they were younger that it is wonderful how different everyone in the world is, how boring would it be if everyone was exactly the same??!

The part that we all need to get back to, is that it is ok for each of us to have our own opinions about each and every topic. It is okay to be passionate about those feelings and even try to convince others to an extent, as to why we feel the way we feel. But what is NOT okay, is to demean, degrade, insult or become violent, when someone’s views and opinions differ from our own.

I was reading a Facebook post the other day, which happened to be a in Spiritualist group. The topic was regarding a question that was asked on if the group believed in Spirit communication and visits from loved ones after death. A gentleman who did NOT believe, vehemently responded to EACH AND EVERY comment made in support of such beliefs. His comments were all based in religious beliefs and he made several references and quotes to several bible versus.

Now I will be very honest here, I was getting very angry and upset, as were many other individuals at this individual. Most of his responses were very much “fire and brimstone” type of responses. Until one gentleman responded back to him which made me stop and think. This was several days ago and I can not quote you his exact words, but his response to this gentleman was in validation of this man’s beliefs, with understanding of the differences of opinions being presented and he even thanked the man for providing the references that he did. This man did go on to state that while the man was not changing his beliefs as he was a Spiritualist and had many experiences with deceased loved ones personally, moreover, being a Spiritualist meant being accepting of everyone’s higher beliefs and the God of their Understanding.

Now friends, this made me stop and actually almost feel ashamed of myself for a few moments. This man vocalized the epitome of the life that I am trying to uphold myself to and I had just been sitting in judgement of this “bible thumper”. I also then had to realize, that every single solitary time that I have tried to walk on water, I HAVE SANK. Yep, no perfection here for me.

So why am I writing all of this here for you on my first blog? Because I want you to know that we are all human, we all make mistakes, we are all learning each and every day. That is the part that makes us special. Those are the parts of myself and my journey that I am excited to share with everyone. Thank you for reading. Until next time. Love, Light and Blessings. Dawn…